Deleted index docs coming back automatically

I'm using elasticsearch 1.3.
I'm trying to delete older docs with delete by query java api.
I'm able to delete, its showing deleted and I'm seeing no docs in kibana.
But after few seconds its automatically coming back.
can anyone help me to understand the cause?
Do I need additional settings?

I'm using the followings:

QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders

DeleteByQueryResponse response = client.prepareDeleteByQuery(index)


Is it still the case if you wait for some minutes? I mean that may be it's caused by refresh?

Why did you set ASYNC?

And please upgrade. 1.x is EOL.

Thanks for your reply,
But I figured out the problem, It was causing by logstash.
Logstash was reading large amount of 1 file like 123GB of log data and was pushing to elasticsearch.
After delete that log file from other server and restart that application my problem was resolved.

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