Ok yes deleting an externally-versioned document from an index that does not exist will actually create the index in order to record the deletion:
GET /_cat/indices
# 200 OK
DELETE /i/_doc/someid?version=0&version_type=external
# 404 Not Found
# {
# "_type": "_doc",
# "_primary_term": 1,
# "_id": "someid",
# "_shards": {
# "successful": 1,
# "total": 2,
# "failed": 0
# },
# "_index": "i",
# "result": "not_found",
# "_version": 0,
# "_seq_no": 0
# }
GET /_cat/indices
# 200 OK
# yellow open i Pqo2tMyMRyOTOXvFAUk0Tw 5 1 0 0 1.1kb 1.1kb