For a very small number of my elasticsearch instances, deletions are failing due to timeout and not succeeding until a refresh is performed. Might this be expected? Do refreshes trigger merges or something that will improve the execution time of a deletion? What should be the course of action? always perform a refresh before a deletion?
I am using DeleteByQueryRequest
with setAbortOnVersionConflict(false)
but it has been failing due to a timeout after 30s. Then when I try to perform the same query via curl (both GET and DELETE) command it complains about version conflict (* and for another elasticsearch server instance there are no version conflicts detected and we're still hitting this problem)
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/my_index/_search" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
"query": {
"range": {
"timestamp": {
"lt": "now-30d/d"
produces a long list of errors:
{"took":199,"timed_out":false,"total":6533538,"deleted":0,"batches":1,"version_conflicts":1000,"noops":0,"retries":{"bulk":0,"search":0},"throttled_millis":0,"requests_per_second":-1.0,"throttled_until_millis":0,"failures":[{"index":"my_index","id":"81df2426799e4f8cb0d4e31a75c3a110370283","cause":{"type":"version_conflict_engine_exception","reason":"[81df2426799e4f8cb0d4e31a75c3a110370283]: version conflict, required seqNo [44894562], primary term [4]. but no document was found","index_uuid":"zNhIQMVPTZ6CiC5lIWsujw","shard":"0","index":"my_index"},"status":409}...
Only after I refresh the index via curl -X POST localhost:9200/my_index/_refresh
, does the deletion start working.