Hi All,
I'm deploying Elastic Search as StatefulSet in Kubernetes, but cannot make the persistent volume working properly. (Reference: https://github.com/pires/kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster/tree/master/stateful, I don't create dedicated master, so simply master & data are in one).
I'm testing the persistent volume by:
- create ES and insert some data;
- delete and re-create the service;
- check if the index is still there.
The deployment showed all green, and the Elasticsearch is also working fine. But the data is not persistent if I re-create the ES. Could someone shed some light on this? Thanks!
Attached some stats, and let me know if I need to post other logs.
kubectl describe pvc
Name: storage-elasticsearch-logging-v1-0
Namespace: kube-system
StorageClass: standard
Status: Bound
Volume: pvc-96453dd3-36c9-11e8-9f27-029b836b1aaa
Labels: k8s-app=elasticsearch-logging
Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed=yes
Finalizers: []
Capacity: 2Gi
Access Modes: RWO
Events: <none>
kubectl describe pv
Name: pvc-a1825ec9-36c9-11e8-9f27-029b836b1aaa
Labels: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region=us-west-2
Annotations: kubernetes.io/createdby=aws-ebs-dynamic-provisioner
StorageClass: standard
Status: Bound
Claim: kube-system/storage-elasticsearch-logging-v1-1
Reclaim Policy: Retain
Access Modes: RWO
Capacity: 2Gi
Type: AWSElasticBlockStore (a Persistent Disk resource in AWS)
VolumeID: aws://us-west-2a/vol-01aa1c6a2ad2eae3a
FSType: ext4
Partition: 0
ReadOnly: false
Events: <none>
kubectl describe sc standard
Name: standard
IsDefaultClass: No
Annotations: <none>
Provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
Parameters: type=gp2
ReclaimPolicy: Retain
Events: <none>