Deprecation warnings from Timelion

I've begun the task of upgrading from 6.4.1 to the latest version. One step is the clear deprecation-messages and I have the following errors. I get these errors anytime I execute a timelion-script, even just ".es(*)". My problem is that I have no idea where to fix this? I've tried looking in the index-patterns, kibana-settings, in indecies but I don't find anything looking like "_all" or "all_fields" or "inline".. Where do I makes these changes?

[2019-07-23T10:58:34,716][WARN ][o.e.d.c.ParseField       ] Deprecated field [all_fields] used, replaced by [Set [fields] to `*` instead]
[2019-07-23T10:58:34,719][WARN ][o.e.d.c.ParseField       ] Deprecated field [inline] used, expected [source] instead

No thoughts on this? Any pointers would be appreciated!

Are there any advanced settings you've specifically configured that could be affecting this?

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