Detecting empty fields not working as before in logstash 7.12.1


I'm migrating our logstash from 6.8 to 7.12 and I'm finding that the detection of empty fields is not working as it used to.

For example given the input


and the logstash filter

if [foo] and [foo] == "" {
  mutate {
    remove_field => [ "foo" ]

in logstash 6.8 we would have seen a document in elasticsearch like this:


but in logstash 7.12 it seems like it's not detecting the empty field so we see this in elasticsearch:


Are there some changes I've missed in the release notes that are affecting this, or should I be doing field detection another way?

We use this approach quite a lot and it's affecting our ability to detect and remove bad data from logs, or to coerce the data with the mutate filter to have default values.


Interesting. This will have changed in 7.0. With

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ '' ] } }
filter {
    mutate { add_field => { "foo" => "" } }
    if [foo] { drop { } }
output  { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }

by default the event is dropped. However, if you add --java_execution false then the event is not dropped.

Thanks, setting

pipeline.java_execution: false

In logstash.yml has restored the expected behaviour.

Would this be considered as a bug as there is a difference in behaviour when java_execution is used for creating an issue on github?

That is a matter of opinion. I think it is. I would try opening an issue on github and see if anyone agrees.

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