Different results on same query once a document is updated


When I perform a search query, it gives me same result every time. But as soon as I update any document (fields which are not used in search query), the result of the same query changes and score of that particular document decreases.

The updated document is still in the result but order is different (lower).

Can someone please suggest me what to do ?

I need the same result regardless of document update.

Search query:

        "from": 0,
        "size": 10,
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": [
                        "match": {
                            "cityName": {
                                "query": "Dubai"
                        "match": {
                            "categoryName": {
                                "query": "food"


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Can you provide a set of requests that we can use to replicate what you are seeing? Sample documents, queries and the updates you are running?

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