Different types of events using same instance of logstash

Hi all

I am trying to ship data from two different sources i.e. log data from the application server itself using gelf interface and the second is jmx metrics data using jmx input plugin. My question is, is it possible to ship data from different sources to same logstash instance ? If yes, how can i do that by creating two separate pipelines or another method ? For now my logstash.conf file looks like this:
input {
tcp {
port => 5000
gelf {

            port => 12201
            use_tcp => true
            type => gelf


Add your filters / logstash plugins configuration here

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
index => "<some_index>"

P.S: i want to use the same output for these data but with different indices.
Thank you :slight_smile:

Logstash will read data from those two inputs, send the events from both through the filters and then on to the outputs. If you want to use the same filters for both sets of events then using a single pipeline and a conditional output makes sense. If you want different filters for the different outputs then using two pipelines may be better.

There are two types of events:

  1. Log messages
  2. JMX metrics
    Do you think if i should use "type" field to differentiate them and then create an output like following:
    output {
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
    index => "%{[type]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

I would not call it type, since elastic has used that field in the past and is trying to retire it. But you could do that with another field name, such as doctype. The two types of events sound different enough that two pipelines is probably a better solution.

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