Display Overall Max and Average of Sum in TSVB in Metric and Markdown Visualizations (v8.6.1)

Hi all,

I'm using Elastic version 8.6.1. In Kibana's TSVB, I've set up a Time Series visualization where I've first aggregated using the Sum of a specific field. I then applied a secondary pipeline aggregation to compute the Overall Max and Overall Average of the sum.

In the Time Series visualization, I can clearly see a straight line representing the overall max/average across the entire time range, which is expected. However, when I transition to the Metric or Markdown visualizations in TSVB to display these values in one single metric, it seems to only show the total sum rather than the computed overall max or average of that sum.

Is this a known limitation or am I perhaps missing something in the configuration?

I've created a TSVB using the eCommerce dataset and a similar setup but using the average of the base_price field.

When changing to the Metric visualization option, it indeed leaves just the first two options yielding the same value and on markdwon, it leaves all the options with the same value.

The exact value is shown because Kibana is taking the whole period to get the average. With that, the bucket aggregation will always return the same value because there is only one data point.

I would suggest using Lens to show the Metrics so you can get a dashboard like this:

As you can see the values in the metrics coincide with the legend of the TSVB. The trick to do this with lens is to do break down the metric using your time field and then use the Collapse option to convert the collection of charts into a single value.

Remember to set up the same interval in the TSVB and the metrics to ensure the metric is computed equally.

Hope it helps.

Thanks a lot for the detailed answer @jsanz. Now I am aware of the logic much better, I will then convert the TSVB line chart to lens to ensure that the metrics are computed equally (as based on my understanding TSVB and lens have different dynamic intervals) and will use the lens metrics for showing the average and max. thanks again for the help!

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You are absolutely right on moving everything to Lens :+1:

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