Displaying sparse data in Timelion using fit()


thanks a lot for that very details explanation and providing so many screenshots.

As you figured out correctly, lines between point will only be drawn if there is no sparse data between it, and you will need the fit method to otherwise tell Timelion how to draw the line.

I am unfortunately still a bit confused about the red line you are drawing. If I look at your points chart above, it seems like there is no point 1 at ~00:30:00 and the first point is 3. So I am not seeing where the 1 should come from? Is this because of the semantic of your data, that you ALWAYS want to assume, no matter what your first point in your timelion chart is, that there is a point with value 1 to the complete left of the chart, and the first point will always have a line from position 1 to it?

Cutting of the chart while using the fit function on the right hand side won't be possible unfortunately.
