Distinct records with geo_distance sort on aggregation ES

I'm working on nearby API using elasticsearch.

I'm trying to run 4 actions in ES query

  • match condition (here running a script to get records within radius)
  • get distinct records based on company's Key (want to get one record from a company)
  • sort records based on geo_distance
  • add the field as Distance to get the distance between user and location
const query = {
  query: {
    bool: {
      must: [
          match: {
            shopStatus: "active",
          script: {
            script: {
              params: {
                lat: parseFloat(req.lat),
                lon: parseFloat(req.lon),
                "doc['location'].arcDistance(params.lat, params.lon) / 1000 <= doc['searchRadius'].value",
              lang: "painless",
  aggs: {
    duplicateCount: {
      terms: {
        field: "companyKey",
        size: 10000,
      aggs: {
        duplicateDocuments: {
          top_hits: {
            sort: [
                _geo_distance: {
                  location: {
                    lat: parseFloat(req.lat),
                    lon: parseFloat(req.lon),
                  order: "asc",
                  unit: "km",
                  mode: "min",
                  distance_type: "arc",
                  ignore_unmapped: true,
            script_fields: {
              distance: {
                script: {
                  params: {
                    lat: parseFloat(req.lat),
                    lon: parseFloat(req.lon),
                  inline: `doc['location'].arcDistance(params.lat, params.lon)/1000`,

            stored_fields: ["_source"],
            size: 1,

Here's the out put:

data: [
    companyKey: "1234",
    companyName: "Floward",
    branchKey: "3425234",
    branch: "Mursilat",
    distance: 1.810064121687324,
    companyKey: "0978",
    companyName: "Dkhoon",
    branchKey: "352345",
    branch: "Wahah blue branch ",
    distance: 0.08931851500047634,
    companyKey: "567675",
    companyName: "Abdulaziz test",
    branchKey: "53425",
    branch: "Jj",
    distance: 0.011447273197846672,
    companyKey: "56756",
    companyName: "Mouj",
    branchKey: "345345",
    branch: "King fahad",
    distance: 5.822936713752124,

I have two issues

  • How to sort records based on geo_distance
  • will query actions(match, script) apply to aggregation data...?

Can you please help me out to solve these issues

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