Distinct values from field(s)

Can anyone help to get distinct values from ES data fields. I have a column with index setting as below
"ItemType": {

  • "type": "text",
  • "fields": {
    • "keyword": {
      • "ignore_above": 256,
      • "type": "keyword"}
        I tried to do Aggregation on itemtype directly but I was facing issue as it is text field.
        then I tried with itemtype.keyword then response was valid but 0 records.
        below is the code (using NEST)
        var res = client.Search<Dictionary<string,object>>(s => s.Index("jobs").Aggregations(
        a => a.Terms("ItemTypeagg", ag => ag.Field("itemtype.keyword")
        var data= res.Aggregations.Terms("ItemTypeagg");
        Can someone help with ES query so that I can make changes in Nest code.

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