Distress: Elasticsearch 6.4.0 fails to start

Elasticsearch 6.4.0 fails to start with Java IO exception:

org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: java.io.IOException: failed to read [id:305, file:/var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/0/_state/global-305.st]

Please see Distress: Elasticsearch does not start - #3 by dakrone for more details, but here is the quick summary:

  1. ELK 541 working fine.
  2. Upgraded to ELK640, ES640 and Kibana640 came up fine, Logstash 640 had some issues.
  3. Went back to ELK 541 (possibly this was the mistake! :frowning: It did not come up. As possibly downgrading is not supported.
  4. Came back to ELK 640 - but it wont start now. Possibly corrupted data?

Full error log at ES640 Fails to start · GitHub

Any help to recover the data is appreciated!!

Please don't post the same thing more than once, it makes it harder for people to help :slight_smile: