Divide by Zero Error upgrading a deployment


I'm getting the following error when upgrading a deployment (version 6.5.4 to 6.7.2 on ECE 2.2.2)

Unexpected error during step: [rolling-upgrade]: [java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero]

Any idea why this error may be occouring. When I look in the logs (logging and metrics logs) the deployment has no errors.

Here's the plan I'm applying

  "tiebreaker_topology": {
    "memory_per_node": 1024
  "elasticsearch": {
    "version": "6.7.2",
    "system_settings": {
      "use_disk_threshold": true
    "user_settings_yaml": "redacted"
  "transient": {
    "strategy": {
      "grow_and_shrink": {}
    "plan_configuration": {
      "preferred_allocators": [],
      "max_snapshot_attempts": 3,
      "move_allocators": [],
      "skip_snapshot": false,
      "move_instances": [],
      "skip_post_upgrade_steps": false,
      "extended_maintenance": false,
      "skip_upgrade_checker": false,
      "override_failsafe": false,
      "skip_data_migration": false,
      "calm_wait_time": 5,
      "reallocate_instances": false,
      "timeout": 4096,
      "max_snapshot_age": 300,
      "move_only": false
  "cluster_topology": [
      "memory_per_node": 1024,
      "node_type": {
        "master": true,
        "data": true,
        "ingest": false,
        "ml": false
      "instance_configuration_id": "9c6147389f7d45d6b19c2e93f852cd49",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "system_settings": {
          "enable_close_index": false,
          "use_disk_threshold": true,
          "monitoring_collection_interval": -1,
          "monitoring_history_duration": "7d",
          "destructive_requires_name": false,
          "reindex_whitelist": [],
          "auto_create_index": true,
          "scripting": {
            "stored": {
              "enabled": true
            "inline": {
              "enabled": true
          "http": {
            "compression": true,
            "cors_enabled": false,
            "cors_max_age": 1728000,
            "cors_allow_credentials": false
        "user_settings_yaml": " redacted "
      "zone_count": 1,
      "node_count_per_zone": 1
      "size": {
        "value": 0,
        "resource": "memory"
      "node_type": {
        "master": true,
        "data": true,
        "ingest": true,
        "ml": false
      "instance_configuration_id": "data.default",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "system_settings": {
          "enable_close_index": false,
          "use_disk_threshold": true,
          "monitoring_collection_interval": -1,
          "monitoring_history_duration": "7d",
          "destructive_requires_name": false,
          "reindex_whitelist": [],
          "auto_create_index": true,
          "scripting": {
            "stored": {
              "enabled": true
            "inline": {
              "enabled": true
          "http": {
            "compression": true,
            "cors_enabled": false,
            "cors_max_age": 1728000,
            "cors_allow_credentials": false
        "user_settings_yaml": " redacted "
      "zone_count": 1
      "size": {
        "value": 0,
        "resource": "memory"
      "node_type": {
        "master": true,
        "data": false,
        "ingest": false,
        "ml": false
      "instance_configuration_id": "master",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "system_settings": {
          "enable_close_index": false,
          "use_disk_threshold": true,
          "monitoring_collection_interval": -1,
          "monitoring_history_duration": "7d",
          "destructive_requires_name": false,
          "reindex_whitelist": [],
          "auto_create_index": true,
          "scripting": {
            "stored": {
              "enabled": true
            "inline": {
              "enabled": true
          "http": {
            "compression": true,
            "cors_enabled": false,
            "cors_max_age": 1728000,
            "cors_allow_credentials": false
        "user_settings_yaml": " redacted "
      "zone_count": 1
      "size": {
        "value": 0,
        "resource": "memory"
      "node_type": {
        "master": false,
        "data": false,
        "ingest": false,
        "ml": true
      "instance_configuration_id": "ml",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "system_settings": {
          "enable_close_index": false,
          "use_disk_threshold": true,
          "monitoring_collection_interval": -1,
          "monitoring_history_duration": "7d",
          "destructive_requires_name": false,
          "reindex_whitelist": [],
          "auto_create_index": true,
          "scripting": {
            "stored": {
              "enabled": true
            "inline": {
              "enabled": true
          "http": {
            "compression": true,
            "cors_enabled": false,
            "cors_max_age": 1728000,
            "cors_allow_credentials": false
        "user_settings_yaml": " redacted "
      "zone_count": 1
  "deployment_template": {
    "id": "default"

Many thanks

That's an interesting one!

I had a look around and couldn't see where that could be happening. The error you'd see would be in the service-constructor index in the L+M - can you have a look around the right timestamp to see if anything is in there?

The only oddity with the plan is that the data topology element is using node_count_per_zone/memory_per_node whereas the others (empty ones) are using size

Maybe try replacing those 2 fields with:

"size": {
   "value": 1024, "resource": "memory"

but that's a big guess. There should be an exception in the constructor logs (or even possibly in the activity page for that cluster under details), which will tell us what's actually happening


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