Dmarc2logstash fails to log in to outlook365 mail account

I've had this running nicely, the dmarc2logstash runs, and pulls all the reports, unzips, and places them ready for filebeat to grab, and send to logstash.
I've used the code from jertel:

But now I get this shown in the log:

dmarc             | 2019-06-28 08:14:04,471 - dmarc2logstash - INFO - Starting DMARC to Logstash service; sleepSec=300; jsonOutputFile=/dmarclogs/dmarc.log; shouldDelete=1
dmarc             | 2019-06-28 08:14:04,471 - dmarc2logstash - INFO - Connecting to POP3 server;;; debugLevel=0
dmarc             | Traceback (most recent call last):
dmarc             |   File "/opt/dmarc2logstash/", line 203, in <module>
dmarc             |     sys.exit(main())
dmarc             |   File "/opt/dmarc2logstash/", line 200, in main
dmarc             |     start(server, username, password, int(sleepSec), jsonOutputFile, float(timeout), int(shouldDelete))
dmarc             |   File "/opt/dmarc2logstash/", line 163, in start
dmarc             |     download(server, username, password, jsonOutputFile, timeout, shouldDelete)
dmarc             |   File "/opt/dmarc2logstash/", line 41, in download
dmarc             |     conn = connect(server, username, password, timeout)
dmarc             |   File "/opt/dmarc2logstash/", line 35, in connect
dmarc             |     conn.pass_(password)
dmarc             |   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 197, in pass_
dmarc             |     return self._shortcmd('PASS %s' % pswd)
dmarc             |   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 160, in _shortcmd
dmarc             |     return self._getresp()
dmarc             |   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 136, in _getresp
dmarc             |     raise error_proto(resp)
dmarc             | poplib.error_proto: -ERR Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I've tested a login with a client using the name and password from the docker-compose config, and that works perfectly.
It was working a few months back, and I haven't checked up on it in while, but now I just see this message.

The config in docker-compose looks like this:

    image: jertel/dmarc2logstash
    container_name: dmarc
      - ./dmarc/logs:/logs
      - ./dmarc/dmarc2logstash.json:/opt/dmarc2logstash/dmarc2logstash.json
      - ./dmarc/dmarclogs:/dmarclogs
      - POP3_USERNAME=uh-oh-secret-hu
      - POP3_PASSWORD=uh-oh-even-more-secret
      - JSON_OUTPUT_FILE=/dmarclogs/dmarc.log
    restart: always

    container_name: dmarcfilebeat
      - ./dmarc/dmarclogs:/dmarclogs
      - ./dmarc/filebeat.docker.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro
      - ./dmarc/logs:/logs

Anybody that has an idea, Jertel maybe? :wink:

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