Logstash imap input plugin


For some time now my imap input is failing with End of file reached and I'm wondering what could be the problem with it. It's working for like 10 to 15 minutes and then suddenly stops with that message:

{:timestamp=>"2016-01-15T16:10:28.107000+0200", :message=>"A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.\n Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::IMAP port=>993, host=>"outlook.office365.com", user=>"some-email@here.com", password=>, check_interval=>65, fetch_count=>200, type=>"mails", secure=>true, verify_cert=>false, folder=>"INBOX", codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain charset=>"UTF-8">, lowercase_headers=>true, delete=>false, content_type=>"text/plain">\n Error: end of file reached", :level=>:error}

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This still continues and I'm wondering if someone could help with it?