DNS Filter - only first value in reverse array works

This is my filter:

filter {
        if [type] == "netflow" {

        mutate {
                add_field => {
                        "[netflow][ipv4_dst_host]" => "%{[netflow][ipv4_dst_addr]}"
                        "[netflow][ipv4_src_host]" => "%{[netflow][ipv4_src_addr]}"
        dns {
                # DNS Filter
                nameserver => [ "", "" ]
                action => "replace"
                reverse => [ "[netflow][ipv4_dst_host]", "[netflow][ipv4_src_host]" ]

Only [netflow][ipv4_dst_host] is filled with correct value.

Reverse lookups ipv4_src_host does never work.

Have I written some syntax wrong?

What version are you on?

I am on version 5.1.

Why does the plugin have an array, if it only can reverse one string?

Should I just enter two filters instead?

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