Continuing a previous question.
What am I trying to do?
Thanks to @AndreiStefan I'm trying to put a murmur3
hash off the heap, using doc_values
"dynamic_templates": [
"murmur3_hashed": {
"mapping": {
"index": "not_analyzed",
"norms": {
"enabled": false
"fielddata": {
"format": "doc_values"
"doc_values": true,
"type": "string",
"fields": {
"hash": {
"index": "no",
"doc_values": true,
"type": "murmur3"
"match_mapping_type": "string",
"match": "my_prop"
I used stream2es for reindexing.
What is the result?
After a reindexing, the result property is:
"my_prop": {
"index": "not_analyzed",
"fielddata": {
"format": "doc_values"
"doc_values": true,
"type": "string",
"fields": {
"hash": {
"null_value": -1,
"precision_step": 2147483647,
"type": "murmur3"
What is the problem?
Why is the "index": "no", "doc_values": true
missing in the result property?