I've been playing with Elasticsearch and had a working cluster in a
multicast environment using VMs. I recently tried adapting that to work
within Docker and I'm running into a wall with the unicast configuration.
Current setup is two nodes: one on the host and another in a docker
container (dockerfile/elasticsearch)
I'm running the container with:
$ docker run -d -h "elasticsearch-node-01" --name="elasticsearch-node-01"
-p 9201:9200 -p 9301:9300 -v
dockerfile/elasticsearch /elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
It spins up on the docker0 bridge with some IP, 172.17.0.xx
docker0 is bound to refers to the host in this example
I can access the elasticsearch node in the container with any of the
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl 172.17.0.xx:9200
But when I add it to a cluster via unicast, I see an exception thrown with
"No route to host" being the reason.
After trying a few different IPs to see which could be accessed through the
bridge, it seems that the container doesn't know how to speak to the host
to join the host node's cluster or tell the host node that it has a cluster
that can be joined. The host node logs also shows a similar error:
[2014-07-10 12:00:37,264][INFO][discovery.zen] [elasticsearch-node-test]
failed to send join request to master
reason [org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException:
[elasticsearch-node-test][inet[/]] connect_timeout[30s];
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host]
There are two conversations I've found here with docker, elasticsearch and
unicast but neither provide an answer to my issue:
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Is it because elasticsearch is
attempting to search based on the node's hostname (elasticsearch-node-01)
instead of the IP address? The hostname, elasticsearch-node-01 isn't valid
since it's just generated by passing it to docker. Should I use the IP as
the hostname if that's what ES is using to add the node to the cluster?
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