Document cloning and splitting in Ingest APIs

Hi there,

Do ElasticSearch Ingest APIs support cloning and splitting a document into multiple documents? My usecase is as below -

When I receive a document of a certain type, it may have an array field e.g.
" _id" : "someid",
"_type" : "type1",
"field_to_split" : [f1, f2],
"_message" : "somemessage"

Then I want to to convert it into 3 documents as :
" _id" : "someid",
"_type" : "type1",
"field_to_split" : [f1, f2],
"_message" : "somemessage"
" _id" : "f1",
"_type" : "type2",
"_message" : "somemessage"

" _id" : "f2",
"_type" : "type2",
"_message" : "somemessage"


No. It's not supported.

Thanks. Its supported in logstash via a combination of split and clone filters. Is there any plan to support this feature in ElasticSearch Ingest APIs in near future?


There is no plan AFAIK to support such a feature in ingest.
About logstash, I suggest you ask in #logstash.

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