Does count API support searching by multiple TERMs and return multiple COUNTs?

a sample usage of count API : curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_count' -d
'{"term" : { "lang": "en", "country": "Egypt" }}'
it'll return count of pages based on that term --->
{"count":104628,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}} .
*the question is *: does count API support searching by multiple TERMs and
return multiple COUNTs ?

something like :
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_count' -d
"term": [
"lang": "en",
"country": "Egypt"
"lang": "ar",
"country": "Egypt"

and the result would be :
{"count":104628,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}}, {"count":2000,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}}

I want to get count of pages based on multiple* terms* .


I think you should look at MultiSearch API .

In doc, it stated that you can define search_type (so I think you can use


Le 27 décembre 2012 à 16:56, Senussi a écrit

a sample usage of count API : curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_count' -d
'{"term" : { "lang": "en", "country": "Egypt" }}'
it'll return count of pages based on that term --->
{"count":104628,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}} .
the question is : does count API support searching by multiple TERMs and
return multiple COUNTs ?
something like :
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_count' -d
"term": [
"lang": "en",
"country": "Egypt"
"lang": "ar",
"country": "Egypt"

and the result would be :
[ {"count":104628,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}},
{"count":2000,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":10,"failed":0}} ]

I want to get count of pages based on multiple terms .


David Pilato
Twitter : @dadoonet / @elasticsearchfr / @scrutmydocs


thanks, i'm on it


You might also want to consider using multiple Filter Facets a single search query.

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:12:18 AM UTC-5, Senussi wrote:

thanks, i'm on it
