Does Elastic Search store all log data sent from File Beat?

I have configured a log path inside FB configuration which has data around 10GB. This is my server 1.

I have ES installed on my Server 2. FB is configured to send data to ES from Server 1 to Server 2.

ES is used to store data, will it actually pull/copy all 10GB of data onto my Server 2 OR it wont physically copy/pull 10GB of files from Server 1, rather it will just use those log files present on Server 1 to filter.

How does it actually works?

ES will store anything that FB sends to it.
So as long as you aren't filtering on the FB end, then it'll be everything you point it at.

By default what filter value is set on FB. Where can i see those filter? Bcoz i have not configured any specific filter from my end.

Also, i see the same disk size on my server 2 and all my logs are also getting searched. How is that occurring ?


Can you elaborate on this a bit more, I am not following what you are asking.

The server disk space should go low when fb sends all the 10gb of data to my elastic search server. Currently, i dont see any degradation in my servers disk space.

Filebeat does not delete the files once it has read them, that is up to you to manage.

May be i m missing a configuration here. Can u tell me where can i see all the stored by ES ?

Are you using Kibana? That's the most visual way.
Otherwise maybe something like _cat/indices.

Yes i m using kibana.

Using the Discover page in Kibana will show you all the data.