Does Logstash 7.17.x support jdk17?

I am using logstash 7.17.3 with Java 11 in containerized env.
Does this version of logstash also support java 17?

There is conflicting information from the two doc links from elastic - and hence the query for clarification -

  1. As per 7.16.0 Release notes , Logstash added tests against Java 17 and started supporting JDK 17 #13330
    -> This implies that versions >= 7.16.0 support java 17.

  2. But as per 7.17.details , logstash requires either of java 8,11 and 15.

I tried building logstash docker img with java17 installed - below error is seen ->

rpm -Uvh /tmp/logstash-oss-7.17.3-x86_64.rpm
18:47:33  warning: /tmp/logstash-oss-7.17.3-x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID d88e42b4: NOKEY
18:47:35  Verifying...                          ########################################
18:47:35  warning: Generating 6 missing index(es), please wait...
18:47:35  Preparing...                          ########################################
18:47:35  Updating / installing...
18:47:42  logstash-oss-1:7.17.3-1               ########################################
18:47:42  Using JAVA_HOME defined java: /etc/alternatives/jre_openjdk/
18:47:42  WARNING: Using JAVA_HOME while Logstash distribution comes with a bundled JDK.
18:47:42  DEPRECATION: The use of JAVA_HOME is now deprecated and will be removed starting from 8.0. Please configure LS_JAVA_HOME instead.
18:47:42  Using provided startup.options file: /etc/logstash/startup.options
18:47:43  WARNING: Unknown module: org.jruby.dist specified to --add-opens
18:47:43  WARNING: Unknown module: org.jruby.dist specified to --add-opens
18:47:43  WARNING: Unknown module: org.jruby.dist specified to --add-opens
18:47:43  WARNING: Unknown module: org.jruby.dist specified to --add-opens
18:47:43  Error: Could not find or load main class [0.001s][warning][os,container]
18:47:43  Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: [0/001s][warning][os,container]
18:47:43  /usr/share/logstash/bin/system-install: line 88: [0.001s][warning][os,container]: command not found
18:47:43  Unable to install system startup script for Logstash.
18:47:43  chmod: cannot access '/etc/default/logstash': No such file or directory
18:47:43  warning: %post(logstash-oss-1:7.17.3-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

Pls let us know if java17 is supported on logstash 7.17.3, if yes, do we have to do additional steps to resolve the errors shared above?

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