Does NRT and facet search work together?


Does NRT work well with facet search in ElasticSearch?

Does faceting in ElasticSearch rely on caching (which I believe is how
faceting is implemented in Solr) for performance? If that's the case
then wouldn't NRT reduce facet performance significantly because all
the realtime updates are constantly invalidating the facet cache?

Any tips on making NRT and facet work well together?


They work well together. Faceting work is based on FieldCache, and thats segment level caching, all facets are segment level.

On Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Andy wrote:


Does NRT work well with facet search in Elasticsearch?

Does faceting in Elasticsearch rely on caching (which I believe is how
faceting is implemented in Solr) for performance? If that's the case
then wouldn't NRT reduce facet performance significantly because all
the realtime updates are constantly invalidating the facet cache?

Any tips on making NRT and facet work well together?
