Does the score calculation admit a maximum?

Hello the community,

I have an index of resumes and I want to compare it to a job offer as query. As long as I understand the tf idf that is behind the scoring does not have maximum, isn't it? When I process the query, I have the list of resumes and there scores. It also provides a max value in the result that is useful to normalized results. However, it means the document with the best score will be normalized as a 100% matching document whereas the fact of being first doesn't mean it is the best document. There certainly a resume that fits better the job offer but is not in the index. Does elastichsearch permit to calculate a max score that is not the score of the first document? This kind of problem can be handled by elasticsearch?

Kind regards,

Scores are relative so there is no max defined and you can not set that either. Have a look at this thread for a similar discussion.

Thank you for you response, I found some threads about the subject but it wasn't clear for me and I didn't found this one.

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