[DotNet Client] Version 8.13 seems to have removed the ability to use the default index name of a document type?

Hello. I maintain a library built on top of the dotnet elasticsearch client which streamlines its usage which is used by 20+ engineers on different projects.

The 8.13 version seems to have removed the ability to perform some actions upon indexes which are defaultly mapped to based on their types by calling (for example):

ElasticsearchClientSettings.DefaultMappingFor<TRecord>(record => record.IndexName("records"));

Concretely these methods:

await Client.GetAsync<TRecord>(id, cancellationToken);
await Client.DeleteAsync<TRecord>(id, cancellationToken);

now request they be provided with the IndexName parameter.

Is there a supported way around this or should I just stick to 8.12 or figure out my own solution?

Not sure if I understand your issue, but are you talking about mapping types?

If so, mapping types were deprecated on version 7 and removed in version 8.

@ErroneousFatality This looks like a bug in the new generator. I'll check on Monday :slightly_smiling_face:


Fixed in Generate inference constructor overloads by flobernd · Pull Request #8153 · elastic/elasticsearch-net · GitHub

Will be included in the next patch release (today or tomorrow).

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Thank you so much for such a quick response :slight_smile:
Looking forward to it.