Downgrade nest 2.xx to 1.xx

down vote
I'm using nest 2.x with a server ES1.x (my query retuurn correct results now), so to resolve this problem, i need to downgrade nest 2.x to 1.x because it's impossible to have a server 2.x of ES

what's the best practices to do this?

how can I change my query 2.0 to 1.0?
this my code for example:

var mustBaseQuery = new List
new ExistsQuery { Field = new Field { Expression = (Expression<Func<DetailsAnnonce, object>>) (p=>p.Prix) } },
// TODO: filtrer les annonces sans ville lors de la synchro
new ExistsQuery { Field = new Field { Expression = (Expression<Func<DetailsAnnonce, object>>) (p=>p.CodePostal) } },
new ExistsQuery { Field = new Field { Expression = (Expression<Func<DetailsAnnonce, object>>) (p=>p.Ville) } },
new NumericRangeQuery
Field = new Field { Expression = (Expression<Func<DetailsAnnonce, object>>) (p=>p.Prix)},
GreaterThan = 0

  private TermsAggregate GetTypeBienCountAggregation(DetailsAnnonce detailAnnonce)
        // TODO : Assurer que ville n'est JAMAIS NULL
        var aggs = Client.Search<DetailsAnnonce>(s=>s.
            .Terms("type_transaction", tt=>tt
                    .Terms("type_bien", t=>t
        return aggs;

private void ParseLocationProcheAggregations(MultiBucketAggregate aggs, AnnonceDetailAggregations results)
if (aggs != null)
foreach (var geoBucket in aggs.Buckets)
var quartierIdBuckets = geoBucket.Filter("quartiers_filter").Terms("quartiers_id").Buckets;
var quartierNameBuckets = geoBucket.Filter("quartiers_filter").Terms("quartiers_name").Buckets;
var villeIdBuckets = geoBucket.Terms("villes_id").Buckets;
var villeNameBuckets = geoBucket.Terms("villes_name").Buckets;

                for (var i = 0; i < quartierNameBuckets.Count; i++)
                    int id;
                    if (!int.TryParse(quartierIdBuckets.ElementAtOrDefault(i)?.Key ?? string.Empty, out id))
                        id = -1;
                    if (results.QuartiersProches.Any(q => q.Id == id)) continue;
                    results.QuartiersProches.Add(new Localisation
                        Name = quartierNameBuckets[i].Key,
                        Id = id
                for (var i = 0; i < villeNameBuckets.Count; i++)
                    int id;
                    if (!int.TryParse(villeIdBuckets.ElementAtOrDefault(i)?.Key ?? string.Empty, out id))
                        id = -1;
                    if (results.VillesProches.Any(v => v.Id == id)) continue;
                    results.VillesProches.Add(new Localisation
                        Name = villeNameBuckets[i].Key,
                        Id = id
    private void ParseTypeBienAggregations(TermsAggregate typeBienAggs, AnnonceDetailAggregations results)
        results.CountByTypeBien = typeBienAggs.Buckets.ToDictionary(b => int.Parse(b.Key), b => b.DocCount ?? 0);