Download Dashboards without access to management page


Is it possible to download the generated dashboard reports anywhere other then the management page?

Or is it possible to make the notification about a completed report stay visible until a user explicitly closes it?

We are using the Elastic Stack in version 7.8.0. with different Spaces where each team has its own Space, Dashboards, ... To make it easier for the users we have disabled all menu options which are not relevant for them like Machine Learning, Management, ...

Unfortunately, removing the Management makes it nearly impossible for the users to download the PDFs generated via the Dashboard page using Share->PDF Reports as the link and status is visible in the Management page only(and in a popup that vanishes too fast to download the file if the user has not clicked it immediately).

I know that enabling the management Menu for a Space does not mean a user can modify system settings but we would like to keep the menu as clean as possible and the management menu has a lot of sub-entries(like ElasticSearch, Security, ...).

Best regards


This is a great question and unfortunately we don't have a solution for you yet. But its getting discussed and our reporting team has it on their radar.

Here is our tracking issue -
Please post your inputs in there?

CC @tsullivan


Hi Wolfram, what you write about here is a valid usability bug that is more basic than Reporting's own privilege model. There should be a way for a user to download reports even if they don't have access to Management app. I am filing a bug on this.

BTW, the vanishing time of Kibana's info popups are configurable in Advanced Settings, under notifications:lifetime:info. The default is 5 seconds, but you can increase that if you want.

Filed: [Reporting] Provide a way for Reporting-enabled users to download reports outside of Management · Issue #78478 · elastic/kibana · GitHub


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