(It might be ES centered issue so thought to ask here first. Plus I've seen
same issue thread but none of the question posters followed up.)
- Free ram keeps on decreasing few minutes after log indexing starts.
- Consequently 'Too many active ES requests, blocking now.",
:inflight_requests=>15000, :max_inflight_requests=>15000, :level=>:info'
pops up in logstash log file.
This according to Jordan from herehttps://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/logstash-users/too$20many$20es$20requests/logstash-users/zNCSD90auxY/UL0NGm3xX4cJ is
an ES bottleneck because it can't handle the data flow. And thus all
storage and indexing of logs start to fail.
Mine is a test environment for logstash (1.1.9) with a standalone ES server
0.20.6 set up from .deb package. No ES cluster;
just logstash and ES running on same debian squuze server. I have Logstash
listening on a text file 'mail.log' and a
zcat program outputting postfix logs into that file. So logstash picks up
logs from the file and dumps it into ES. This is
zcat mail.log.2013-03-20.gz | pv -L1M -pr > mail.log
So ES will be hit with 1M of log data per second. Roughly that amounts to
5600 lines of postfix log entries.
My ES configs relevant to issue:
bootstrap.mlockall: true
My server resources:
RAM Total: 8G
cpu: 4 core
Java from Oracle: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build
23.7-b01, mixed mode)
When the servers - logstash and ES - are started both take up approx 1G and
3.8G of memory respectively. When logs start pouring in memory
consumption of logstash is almost constant throughout but that of ES goes
on increasing. So when free memory becomes <1G the message
I stated in (2) starts popping up in the log file.
- Is this due to insufficient server resources? OR ES is capable to handle
this amount of data flow with these server resources I'd need to tweak ES
configs more?
Thank you.
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