I was wondering if anyone could advise the best way to drop a log when the actual time is missing from the logged event. Normally the majority of the logs look like:
[19/10/2020 00:00:01] servername - Processor Queue Ok 0 WMI (localhost:ProcessorQueueLength) 3949
however there is some entries that look like:
[19/10/2020] servername - Processor Queue Ok 0 WMI (localhost:ProcessorQueueLength) 3935
My grok pattern is still able to match and filter the message, but I get a _dateparsefailure tag added in Kibana due to the time being missing. How could I get logstash to drop any event that is missing the time? Below is the grok example I would use for the logs above, however the missing time is not unique to that type of event.
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOG5424SD:Time}%{SPACE}%{HOSTNAME:hostname} - (?<event>[^\t]*)%{SPACE}%{WORD:status}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:reply}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:drop}" }