Dynamic data (no code) scenario strategy

I use ES for searching of my basic CRUD constructs. But now we need to expand to help us search, sort, paginate our no-code constructs. These are json documents that have 100% dynamic fields. Some rough numbers:

  • We have thousands of organizations
  • Each organization has an average of 20 groups but some have several 100's of groups
  • Each group has a single no-code data definition. The documents for each group will share the same attributes but all other documents in other groups are guaranteed not to share any of the same attributes.
  • Documents are small, average 252 bytes up to 14 kb
  • The number of attributes in each document could be from 1-100 but averages around 20

The question is how can I index the no-code data? I can't throw them all in a single index obviously as it would have an enormous number of attributes.

Can I create an index per group?

That would result in 1000 orgs X 20 groups = 20000 indices and growing rapidly.

Is that within reason or far-fetched? What if it's 10x orgs or 100x orgs? Could it scale? Basically many small indices. I'm guessing not well.

My instinct is that we should map all dynamic no-code data down to static fields. Since we understand the data types we could map the data to something like:

{ textField1: string, textField2: string, textFieldN: string, dateField1: Date, dateFieldX:Date etc..}

We are willing to limit the number of attributes that can be mapped into ES so this approach seems doable but just clunky.

Is this the only option?

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It's the only sensible option, yes.

The others are the ones you pointed out, specific indices, which don't really scale.

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