Dynamic Elasticsearch Host for Logstash on Docker

How do I set the Elasticsearch host without hardcoding it in pipeline.conf?

I think https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/docker-config.html#docker-env-config is trying to tell me how, but I can't put the pieces together.

I've tried a bunch of things; nothing but hardcoding seems to work.

Here were my failed attempts at setting via environment variables:

#      xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      OUTPUT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      outputs.elasticsearch.url: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      OUTPUT_ELASTICSEARCH_URL: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      logstash.outputs.elasticsearch.url: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      logstash.outputs.elasticsearch.hosts: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      OUTPUT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      output.elasticsearch.hosts: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200
#      xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url: http://elasticsearch-monitoring:9200

What's the right way to do this?


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