Dynamic index names


I'm facing a problem with creating dynamic index names. I have few if statemnts like shown below to add new fields, but I can't see anything in kibana when I try to name index dynamically based on its value.

filter {
	if [host] =~ /pattern/ {
			mutate {
				add_field => {"site_code" => "code1"}
				add_field => {"region" => "region1"}
	else {
		mutate {
			add_field => {"site_code" => "code2"}
			add_field => {"region" => "region2"}
	Some parsing here...

output {
	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "http://address:9200"
		index => "syslog-%{[site_code]}-%{+YYY.MM.dd}"
		user => "name"
		password => "pass"

I tried a different example where I'm using [host] field instead of [site_code] that I created and it works.

output {
	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "http://address:9200"
		index => "syslog-%{[host]}-%{+YYY.MM.dd}"
		user => "name"
		password => "pass"

Is there any difference between [host] field and the [site_code] field that I created? Can I use it somehow to create dynamic indexes or am I doing something wrong?

Does logstash report any errors? Does the index show up at all in the index management page?

When using [site_code] field in index name i got this error: "Could not index event to Elasticsearch." and can't see it in index management. When using [host] field i can't see any error and index normally shows up in index management page.

Can you share the entire logstash line of the error when trying to use site_code? This line will say the reason why it can't index.

In recent versions that have ILM enabled the index option on the elasticsearch output is ignored.

Thank you all for your replies. I didn't know that I can't use uppercase in index name (found it in another error message). Everything works fine.

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