Dynamic name how to change the type


Operating System:win
filter {

match => [
mutate {
#convert => ["value1", "float"]
add_field => { "%{key1}" => '%{value1}' }

      convert => ["%{key}", "float"]

remove_field => "key1"
it can't change the %{key} tpye
when i input [aass:123456]
it out put
"host" => "BIH-D-6331",
"@timestamp" => 2018-03-05T06:43:15.130Z,
"value1" => "123456",
"@Version" => "1",
"message" => "[aass:123456]\r",
"aass" => "123456"
so if i want "aass" type is number
how can i do

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