I try to create a template that store in Elasticsearch only the properties inside "Data" with a dynamic Template.
My output come from the MetricBeat (call by Jolokia the Endpoint metrics of Spring boot application).
My output is as follow :
"@timestamp": "2017-07-17T10:09:50.248Z",
"beat": {
"hostname": "XXXX",
"name": "XXXX",
"version": "5.5.0"
"jolokia": {
"metric": {
"data": {
"classes": 9203.000000,
"classes.loaded": 9203.000000,
"classes.unloaded": 0.000000,
"counter.status.200.jolokia.star-star": 1.000000,
"gauge.response.jolokia.star-star": 173.000000,
"gc.copy.count": 108.000000,
"gc.copy.time": 344.000000,
"gc.marksweepcompact.count": 3.000000,
"gc.marksweepcompact.time": 122.000000,
"heap": 253440.000000,
"heap.committed": 48804.000000,
"heap.init": 16384.000000,
"heap.used": 34625.000000,
"instance.uptime": 2826140.000000,
"mem": 81738.000000,
"mem.free": 14178.000000,
"nonheap": 0.000000,
"nonheap.committed": 34144.000000,
"nonheap.init": 160.000000,
"nonheap.used": 32934.000000,
"processors": 4.000000,
"systemload.average": -1.000000,
"threads": 21.000000,
"threads.daemon": 12.000000,
"threads.peak": 21.000000,
"threads.totalStarted": 25.000000,
"uptime": 2836409.000000
"metricset": {
"host": "localhost:XXXX",
"module": "jolokia",
"name": "jmx",
"namespace": "metric",
"rtt": 83257
"type": "metricsets"
My template is :
"template": "metric-springboot-*",
"mappings": {
"metric_data": {
"properties": {
"@timestamp": {
"type": "date"
"jolokia": {
"properties": {
"metric": {
"properties": {
"data": {
"dynamic": "true",
"type": "object"
"dynamic_templates": [
"data_value_mapping": {
"path_match": "jolokia.metric.data.*",
"mapping": {
"type": "float",
"index": false
But I have the following error :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't merge a non object mapping [jolokia.me
tric.data.classes] with an object mapping [jolokia.metric.data.classes]
My metricbeat configuration is :
- module: jolokia
metricsets: ["jmx"]
enabled: true
period: 10s
hosts: ["localhost:8081"]
namespace: "metric"
path: "xxxx/jolokia/read"
- mbean: 'org.springframework.boot:name=metricsEndpoint,type=Endpoint'
- attr: Data
field: data
field_type: java.Object
hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
index: "metric-springboot-smartphone"
template.name: "metric_springboot"
template.path: "metricbeat.template-metrics.json"
template.versions.2x.enabled: false
template.versions.6x.enabled: false
Thank for your help