Ealsticsearch two nodes with the same cluster name having two different cluster uuid

I configured two node with the cluster name (production), but when I installed head plugin I didn't see the two nodes. I saw the node which it's address is used to open head plugin

For instance : 9200/_plugin/head will show me the node1 as master and as the only node in the cluster, the same thing goes for the node2.

My configuration :

==>node1 :

cluster.name: production
index.numer_of_shards : 5
index .number_of_replicas : 0
node.name: node1
network.host: node1 Ip Add
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [node1 Ip Add ,node2 Ip Add]
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discover.zen.ping.timeout: 20s

==>node2 :

cluster.name: production
index.numer_of_shards : 5
index .number_of_replicas : 0
network.host: node2 Ip Add
node.name: node2
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [node1 Ip Add ,node2 Ip Add]
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discover.zen.ping.timeout: 20s

i found the problem : the ports 9300 to 9400 were blocked by the firewall

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