ECE on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS/Systemd - Prereq

Hi there,
can it be that the installation description given here:
is not totally consistent with/for systemd?

At this point:
'9. Configure the Docker daemon options. '
you tell
'Update /etc/default/docker'
But: the file itself tells
In the other steps yout take systemd into account.

The starting point to my consideration was that
' the command returns Docker Root Dir: /mnt/data/docker'
So I am stuck here with the usual troubleshooting.
Would you mind to update this step for systemd too?
Still new at docker and it would save much time for all :-).

By the way - in case it helps also others - a second issue.
'sudo service docker restart'
did not go well. A:
'sudo rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db'
prio to this solved this.

kind regards,


Yes, you are entirely right that Ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd, but 16.04 is not officially supported for ECE, yet, and our beta docs don't cover the steps for that version of Ubuntu today. If you look at the software prerequisites, you can see that we currently support only Ubuntu 14.04, which is what the configuration steps cover (the doc update I mention below will make it clear what version the steps apply to).

Support for Ubuntu 16.04 is likely coming, pending more testing on that version of Ubuntu. You can already see that we offer an install-ready AWS AMI for Ubuntu 16.04 in beta1, for example. I also have an internal doc draft out for review that adds the config steps for 16.04 with systemd on your own hosts, but it is not quite ready and not publicly available, yet.

If you really do want to test on Ubuntu 16.04, I would recommend the AWS AMI we offer, as the install should work fine. On your own hosts, my recommendation would be for you to test on Ubuntu 14.04 with the correct kernel and Docker versions, as we'll be able to answer questions about any other issues that you run into. Failing both of those options, I could provide you with a preview of our Ubuntu 16.04 configuration steps, but they would be provided as-is and help with any other issues you encounter might be reduced to asking you to use something we support officially.


Hi Nik,
first of all thanks for yout detailed answer. So, let us keep things as simple as possible: I will test as recommanded on 14.04.
kind regards,

Hi Stefano,

I hope your testing is going well. I wanted to mention to you that I externalized a first version of the configuration steps for Ubuntu Xenial, see

FYI, in case you are interested.


Hi Nik,
thank you for the update - I will take a look at the the new configuration steps on Ubuntu Xenial very soon.

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