ECK - Xpack settings - Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for internal use

Hi Team,

i would like to disable following xpack fields, but when i am applying the CR i can see it is forbidden by my operator, how can i overwrite the permissions of operator to run the elastic search with following setting disabled? false false false false false false false false false

thanks in advance

Hi, since 1.0.0 ECK does not prevent you to set these settings:

but i am getting these errors:

"message":"Elasticsearch manifest has warnings. Proceed at your own risk. [
spec.nodeSets[0] Forbidden: 
Configuration setting is reserved for internal use. User-configured use is unsupported, 
spec.nodeSets[0] Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for 
internal use. User-configured use is unsupported, spec.nodeSets[0]. Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for internal use.
 User-configured use is unsupported, spec.nodeSets[0]
 Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for internal use. User-configured use is unsupported, 
 spec.nodeSets[0] Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for internal use.
 User-configured use is unsupported, spec.nodeSets[0]
 Forbidden: Configuration setting is reserved for internal use. User-configured use is unsupported, 
 spec.nodeSets[0] Forbidden: 
 Configuration setting is reserved for internal use. User-configured use is unsupported, spec.nodeSets[0]

this log is coming from elastic operator, any reason

These are some warnings, not errors. You are technically allowed to change these settings but by doing that your configuration can't be supported.

okay thanks michael, i am able to disable these settings but ran into various issues in elasticsearch pod, its like opening a pandora's box, not sure what combination of settings need to add in order to make elasticsearch run, if you have any setting available that will be helpful


That is exactly why we issue this warning. It is not a supported mode of operation to disable these settings. So unless you know exactly what your are doing and why, I would strongly recommend heeding the warnings and not touching any of the settings ECK manages itself.

makes sense thanks for your input @pebrc