EFK. Fluentd with GROK plugin. Field type change from string to any other doesn't work

Hi guys,
Please assist if you have a spare minute or two.

The logging stack is as follow:
ES v.6.3.1 as a service on AWS.
Fluentd version is 1.3.3
Grok plugin as described here: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-grok-parser

Fluentd is being run as a pod on each of the nodes of K8S cluster.
It aggregates data using GROK and sends it to AWS ES.

The issue is that all the fields despite the format E.G.: [NUMBER:field_name:integer] created inside of ES as string. Even though there is no fluentd's errors or warning. All data is written etc. But with wrong filed type. Only string.

We create an index once per day. All the fields and their names are the same in each new and old index.

Fluentd's input config:

      @id fluentd-containers.log
      @type tail
      path /var/log/containers/*.log
      pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos
      tag raw.kubernetes.*
      read_from_head true
      # GROK patterns:
        @type grok
        grok_name_key grok_name
        grok_failure_key grokfailure
        time_format "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"
          name htweb_nginx
          pattern %{IP:real_ip} - .* - - \\[%{DATA:ingress_time}\\] \\\\"(?:%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version:float})?|-)\\\\" %{NUMBER:response:integer} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes_sent:integer}|-) (?:\\\\"(?:%{URI:referrer}|-)\\\\") \\\\"(?:%{GREEDYDATA:user_agent}|-)\\\\" %{NUMBER:request_length:integer} (?:%{NUMBER:response_time:float}|-) \\[(?:%{DATA:upstream_proxy}|-)\\] (?:%{DATA:upstream_addr}:3000|-) (?:%{NUMBER:upstream_length:integer}|-) (?:%{NUMBER:upstream_time:float}?|-) (?:%{NUMBER:upstream_response_result:integer}?|-) %{WORD:request_id}
          name APP_EVENT_PAGE_v5
          pattern %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} \\\\"%{NOTSPACE:app_host}\\\\" \\\\"%{WORD:request_id}\\\\" \\\\"%{WORD:event_type}\\\\" \\\\"PAGE\\\\" %{NUMBER:logfile_page_type_version} %{IP:clientip} %{WORD:verb} %{NUMBER:response} \\\\"%{NOTSPACE:controller}\\\\" \\\\"%{WORD:action}\\\\" \\\\"%{NOTSPACE:request}\\\\" \\\\"{\\\\"%{DATA:request_params}}\\\\" \\\\"%{NUMBER:user_id}\\\\" \\\\"%{NUMBER:admin_user_id}\\\\" \\\\"%{DATA:user_agent}\\\\" \\\\"%{DATA:referer}\\\\" %{NUMBER:view_runtime} %{NUMBER:db_runtime} %{NUMBER:solr_runtime}
          name ht_web
          pattern \\[%{DATA:request_id}\\] method=%{WORD:method} path=%{NOTSPACE:path} format=%{NOTSPACE:format} controller=%{NOTSPACE:controller} action=%{WORD:action} status=%{NUMBER:status} duration=%{NUMBER:duration} view=%{NUMBER:view} db=%{NUMBER:db}
          name ht_web_error
          pattern \\[%{DATA:request_id}\\] %{NOTSPACE:controller} \\(%{GREEDYDATA:error_message}\\)
          name ht_web_error_trace
          pattern \\[%{DATA:request_id}\\] %{GREEDYDATA:error_message} \\`%{WORD:error_type}\\'
          name rest_message
          pattern %{GREEDYDATA:log}
    # Detect exceptions in the log output and forward them as one log entry.
    <match raw.kubernetes.**>
      @id raw.kubernetes
      @type detect_exceptions
      remove_tag_prefix raw
      message log
      stream stream
      multiline_flush_interval 5
      max_bytes 500000
      max_lines 1000

Fluentd's output config:

    <match **>
      @id elasticsearch_other
      @type elasticsearch
      @log_level info
      type_name fluentd
      include_tag_key true
      host "#{ENV['OUTPUT_HOST']}"
      port "#{ENV['OUTPUT_PORT']}"
      scheme https # support for AWS ES
      logstash_format true
      logstash_prefix prod.k8s
      ### AWS ElasticSearch needs this set to false.  See
      ### https://discuss.elastic.co/t/elasitcsearch-ruby-raises-cannot-get-new-connection-from-pool-error/36252/10
      reload_connections false
      slow_flush_log_threshold 30s
      ssl_version TLSv1_2
        @type file
        path /var/log/fluentd-buffers/kubernetes.other.system.buffer
        #flush_mode immediate
        flush_mode interval
        retry_type exponential_backoff
        flush_thread_count 10
        flush_interval 5s
        retry_max_interval 30
        chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['OUTPUT_BUFFER_CHUNK_LIMIT']}"
        queue_limit_length "#{ENV['OUTPUT_BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT']}"
        overflow_action block

In addition. We started trying to put(change field type) as integer and other types some time after start of logs aggregation. E.G. field have been already declared in previous indices as string.

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