I am seeing Elapsed filter doesn't work all the times in our staging environment. In our development environment, we have single logstash and elasticsearch instance and Elapsed filter works fine there. But in staging, we have multiple logstash instances. I am not sure whether that's causing the issue or not. So far my observations are:
- If START and END of a job is within 0-1 second then it fails
- Sometimes for unknown reason it fails even if the job runs once (no multiple START/END) and finishes within 3600 seconds (Elapsed timeout)
0787|16132500|Z100_IN_LINE_CUBING_IDOC_WKSUB_2|2020-06-23 16:13:26|START|1|cp_SR0_02|Active
0787|16132500|Z100_IN_LINE_CUBING_IDOC_WKSUB_2|2020-06-23 16:14:26|END|1|cp_SR0_02|Canceled
job_id 16132500 is used as unique filed
job_name is Z100_IN_LINE_CUBING_IDOC_WKSUB_2
START and END events are tagged as job_start and job_finished by Filebeat
Logstash config:
logstash-host-1$ grep -v \# logstash.yml
node.name: abc_indexer_2670
path.data: .../abc_enablers_indexer
pipeline.workers: 1
pipeline.batch.size: 1
path.config: .../abc_enablers_indexer.conf
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: "https://<elk-host-1>:40000"
logstash-host-1$ cat .../abc_enablers_indexer.conf
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "<kafka-server-1>:30001,<kafka-server-2>:30001,<kafka-server-3>:30001,<kafka-server-4>:30001"
topics => ["abc_enablers"]
codec => "json"
filter {
date {
match => [ "ts", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]
target => "@timestamp"
locale => "en"
elapsed {
start_tag => "job_start"
end_tag => "job_end"
unique_id_field => "job_id"
periodic_flush => true
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://<elk-host-1>:40000","https://<elk-host-2>:40000","https://<elk-host-3>:40000","https://<elk-host-4>:40000"]
index => "abc_enablers"
ssl => true