Elapsed plugin missing start events

Processing potentially several thousands of events per second, the elapsed filter plugin seems to miss about 10% of my start/end tagged events. The tag message I often see in the "end" events is elapsed_end_without_start.

Maybe you have a suggestion for why I'm missing start events? Here's the relevant logstash filter:

filter {

    csv {
        separator => ","
        columns => ["timestamp", "environment", "program", "pid", "dbcode", "event", "resource_type", "primary_id", "secondary_id", "action"]

    date {
        match => ["timestamp", "ISO8601"]
    if [resource_type] == "timecard" and [resource_id] {
        if [event] =~ /BEGIN$/ or [event] =~ /END$/ {
            mutate {
                add_field => {
                    "transaction_id" => "%{resource_id}_%{environment}_%{pid}"
                add_tag => ["%{event}"]

            elapsed {
                start_tag => "CALC_FOO_BEGIN"
                end_tag =>   "CALC_FOO_END"
                unique_id_field => "transaction_id"
                timeout => 600
            elapsed {
                start_tag => "CALC_BAR_BEGIN"
                end_tag =>   "CALC_BAR_END"
                unique_id_field => "transaction_id"
                timeout => 600
            elapsed {
                start_tag => "CALC_BAZ_BEGIN"
                end_tag =>   "CALC_BAZ_END"
                unique_id_field => "transaction_id"
                timeout => 600

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