Elastic 5.0.0 release date?

Hey there,

Is there any official date or time window for the release of Elastic 5.0.0 (non Beta) ?



Hi @fassisrosa,

unfortunately not. We do not state release dates publicly.


Sorry to bug you on this again, but trying to plan for using it in production, is it reasonable to expect a release still in 2016?

Hi @fassisrosa,

let's resort to history. :slight_smile: Elasticsearch 2.0.0-beta1 was released on August 26, 2015, followed by a second beta release, a release candidate and finally Elasticsearch 2.0.0 was released on October 28, 2015.

I think it is reasonable to expect something similar will happen with Elasticsearch 5.0.


Very reasonable answer Daniel. Thanks for the super quick response.

So, as Elasticsearch 5.0.0-beta1 was released on 22 September 2016, we can expect Elasticsearch 5.0.0-GA around the end of November 2016. Correct?