I am running into an issue when trying to use Elastic Fleet and the elastic agents. I am using 8.4.1 for all parts (kibana, elastic, elastic-agent).
I was able to setup a elastic-agent on the elastic/kibana server to serve as the fleet server. Then I installed the elastic agent on one of my different servers and was able to get it to show as healthy and reporting in. I am not receiving any logs or metrics though. I installed the integrations for docker and elastic agent, so I should be receiving something.
I noticed in the state/data/logs/default/metricbeat-20220916 the agent is attempting to talk to the elastic server, but getting authentication errors like this:
e/client_worker.go","file.line":150},"message":"Failed to connect to backoff(elasticsearch(SERVER_ADDRESS_HERE)): 4
03 Forbidden: {\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"security_exception\",\"reason\":\"action [indices:admin/get] is unauthorized for A
PI key id [Zx4OSIMB9E5jy0DuiBc3] of user [elastic/fleet-server], this action is granted by the index privileges [view_index_metadata,man
age,all]\"}],\"type\":\"security_exception\",\"reason\":\"action [indices:admin/get] is unauthorized for API key id [Zx4OSIMB9E5jy0DuiBc
3] of user [elastic/fleet-server], this action is granted by the index privileges [view_index_metadata,manage,all]\"},\"status\":403}","
For the setup, I only used the kibana web interface to setup the fleet server and adding the integrations to the agent.