Elastic-agent with Misp integration policy no data received while no errors comes up

I've got a standalone elastic-agent deployed on localhost where my MISP instance is running.
I'm trying to integrate MISP IOC's to Elastic in order to use the dashboard.
I don't understand why i don't receive any logs in data stream panel of integration while
when i look at the elastic-agent logs everything seems to going alright (small extract):

  "log.level": "info",
  "@timestamp": "2023-03-21T16:50:48.976+0100",
  "message": "Process another repeated request.",
  "component": {
    "binary": "filebeat",
    "dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat",
    "id": "httpjson-default",
    "type": "httpjson"
  "log": {
    "source": "httpjson-default"
  "ecs.version": "1.6.0",
  "log.logger": "input.httpjson-cursor",
  "id": "httpjson-ti_misp.threat-e53c4180-4444-4379-9a7f-8d739dcc0980",
  "input_source": "https://localhost/events/restSearch",
  "input_url": "https://localhost/events/restSearch",
  "log.origin": {
    "file.line": 132,
    "file.name": "httpjson/input.go"
  "service.name": "filebeat"
  "log.level": "info",
  "@timestamp": "2023-03-21T16:49:49.083+0100",
  "message": "request finished: 40 events published",
  "component": {
    "binary": "filebeat",
    "dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat",
    "id": "httpjson-default",
    "type": "httpjson"
  "log": {
    "source": "httpjson-default"
  "log.logger": "input.httpjson-cursor",
  "service.name": "filebeat",
  "input_source": "https://localhost/events/restSearch",
  "input_url": "https://localhost/events/restSearch",
  "ecs.version": "1.6.0",
  "log.origin": {
    "file.line": 445,
    "file.name": "httpjson/request.go"
  "id": "httpjson-ti_misp.threat-e53c4180-4444-4379-9a7f-8d739dcc0980"

Here is the configuration of my elastic-agent:

id: 21c71600-c7ef-11ed-8ee2-b3eb91e32567
revision: 2
    type: elasticsearch
      - 'http://localhost:9200'
    username: 'elastic'
    password: 'changeme'
      indices: []
        - monitor
        - names:
            - logs-ti_misp.threat-default
            - auto_configure
            - create_doc
    sourceURI: 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/'
    enabled: false
    logs: false
    metrics: false
  - id: httpjson-ti_misp-e53c4180-4444-4379-9a7f-8d739dcc0980
    name: MISP Integration
    revision: 1
    type: httpjson
    use_output: default
        name: ti_misp
        version: 1.10.1
      namespace: default
    package_policy_id: e53c4180-4444-4379-9a7f-8d739dcc0980
      - id: httpjson-ti_misp.threat-e53c4180-4444-4379-9a7f-8d739dcc0980
          dataset: ti_misp.threat
          type: logs
        config_version: '2'
        interval: 2m
        request.method: POST
        request.url: 'https://localhost/events/restSearch'
          verification_mode: none
        request.timeout: 30s
        request.body: null
          - set:
              target: header.Authorization
              value: BEpdSXuPb2lRyhVjNy9nHiA7EApYdD9ajMRafBZQ
          - set:
              target: body.limit
              value: 1
          - set:
              target: body.returnFormat
              value: json
          - set:
              target: body.timestamp
              value: '[[.cursor.timestamp]]'
              default: '[[ formatDate (now (parseDuration "-6000h")) "UnixDate" ]]'
          target: body.response
            target: body.Event.Attribute
            ignore_empty_value: true
            keep_parent: true
              target: body.Event.Object
              keep_parent: true
                target: body.Event.Object.Attribute
                keep_parent: true
            value: '[[.last_event.Event.timestamp]]'
          - preserve_original_event
          - forwarded
          - misp-threat
        publisher_pipeline.disable_host: true

How are you checking that you don't have any data? From the logs it does indeed look successfull.

Hello Marius,

Thank you for your response,

It's when i look at the kibana data stream panel i've got nothing related to misp. Here is the link: http://localhost:5601/app/fleet/data-streams while i received all agent metrics/logs when i toggled on this field. But nothing for Misp.

You should be seeing a lot more datastreams there than only MISP, if you can't see any it's almost like nothing has started up yet.
If you are collecting Agent Metrics and logs then those datastreams should also be there, yet you see nothing.

Are you sure you don't have any filters on? Like the Dataset, Type, Namespace or Integration filters in your picture.

Another better way to make sure, is to go to Discover, and filter on data_stream.dataset: ti_misp.threat

Actually if you look at my elastic-agent.yml file I did my best not to get any other logs than the ones I am interested in (those of MISP). Because I had memory problems in the past (heap size reach the limit).
I went to Discover view in Kiban and filter on data_stream.dataset: ti_misp.threat but got nothing
Anyway after i toggle on the monitoring of elastic agent, i receive some data about elastic agent in the kibana data stream view but still nothing about MISP.

I have documents stored related to MISP if you look at the index view in Elasticsearch:

Furthermore when i check the document stored in elasticsearch threat_intel index (MISP) with this API request: http://localhost:9200/.ds-logs-ti_misp.threat-default-2023.03.21-000002/_search?size=10000, i see all the MISP event information with attribute infos.

  "took": 2,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "skipped": 0,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": {
      "value": 10000,
      "relation": "gte"
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": ".ds-logs-ti_misp.threat-default-2023.03.21-000002",
        "_id": "faOSTgqmuCG/ybKey/JN2Lt1ApU=",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "input": {
            "type": "httpjson"
          "agent": {
            "name": "nicop-IdeaPad-5-Pro-14ARH7",
            "id": "ab85b3d0-f7d9-4b59-b810-814d5695b83c",
            "ephemeral_id": "f402f0c8-a8a0-4d59-802d-abf23b0b79c7",
            "type": "filebeat",
            "version": "8.6.2"
          "@timestamp": "2023-03-18T16:04:05.000Z",
          "ecs": {
            "version": "8.6.0"
          "data_stream": {
            "namespace": "default",
            "type": "logs",
            "dataset": "ti_misp.threat"
          "elastic_agent": {
            "id": "ab85b3d0-f7d9-4b59-b810-814d5695b83c",
            "version": "8.6.2",
            "snapshot": false
          "misp": {
            "date": "2018-08-17",
            "threat_level_id": 1,
            "attribute_count": 57,
            "orgc": {
              "name": "ESET",
              "id": "9",
              "uuid": "55f6ea5e-51ac-4344-bc8c-4170950d210f",
              "local": false
            "published": true,
            "distribution": "3",
            "uuid": "5b773e07-e694-458b-b99c-27f30a016219",
            "orgc_id": "9",
            "publish_timestamp": "1679155445",
            "disable_correlation": false,
            "extends_uuid": "",
            "proposal_email_lock": false,
            "sharing_group_id": "0",
            "org_id": "1",
            "context": {
              "attribute": {
                "distribution": 5,
                "type": "filename",
                "object_id": "0",
                "uuid": "5b773e89-9738-4bbb-90bc-2fb20a016219",
                "to_ids": false,
                "disable_correlation": false,
                "deleted": false,
                "event_id": "3996",
                "sharing_group_id": "0",
                "comment": "",
                "id": "632076",
                "category": "Artifacts dropped",
                "value": "%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\scawrdot.db",
                "timestamp": "1534805111"
            "id": "3996",
            "attribute": {
              "distribution": 5,
              "type": "link",
              "object_id": "63363",
              "uuid": "84e013cb-ecaf-4f21-9ee8-796886e3454a",
              "object_relation": "permalink",
              "to_ids": false,
              "disable_correlation": false,
              "deleted": false,
              "event_id": "3996",
              "sharing_group_id": "0",
              "comment": "",
              "id": "913508",
              "category": "External analysis",
              "timestamp": "1535632211"
            "locked": false,
            "info": "Turla Outlook White Paper"

Do you have any advice to give me on how to deepen the research, or to get anything related to MISP in Kibana ?

When you went to discover, what Data view do you use at the top left of the UI? It should say logs-*


As long as the data is already in the datastream, and you can query it, then this is either a permission issue for your user (unless you are superuser), or you have not choosen the correct data-view in discover as the screenshot above.

Seems like there are multiple discuss topics now? Let's keep it to one: Bug: No Misp event data send to Kibana when Threat intel module used

Hello Marius,

Thank you for your response :slight_smile:

Actually i received some MISP information data in kibana. But very lately i think if we compare to the time the elastic-agent was launched. As i was running threat_intel module i didn't know if this data was comming from filebeat or elastic-agent.
As the data wasn't parsed and all event information were contained in one field event.message I think it's fileabeat data that needs to be parse with processors and other thing i think.

Unfortunately i decided to restart it from begining and erase all persistant data to restart from scratch but the data was in logs field of discover view and all data was comming from ti_misp.threat-default-2023.03.21-000001 index

Now that i've restarted i'm stick with this error: Elastic-agent "Process another repeated request" in loop indefinitely

Try to keep it all in one issue, so that its easier to follow up, I will take a look at the new one then, which seems healthier.

Ok sorry about that,

Thank you, i will reply you on this post Bug: No Misp event data send to Kibana when Threat intel module used - #5 by Marius_Iversen.

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