Elastic-agent with Misp integration policy no data received while no errors comes up

Hello Marius,

Thank you for your response :slight_smile:

Actually i received some MISP information data in kibana. But very lately i think if we compare to the time the elastic-agent was launched. As i was running threat_intel module i didn't know if this data was comming from filebeat or elastic-agent.
As the data wasn't parsed and all event information were contained in one field event.message I think it's fileabeat data that needs to be parse with processors and other thing i think.

Unfortunately i decided to restart it from begining and erase all persistant data to restart from scratch but the data was in logs field of discover view and all data was comming from ti_misp.threat-default-2023.03.21-000001 index

Now that i've restarted i'm stick with this error: Elastic-agent "Process another repeated request" in loop indefinitely