I am running on a elastic cloud cluster, with 1Gb for the ML node (default)
I have 1 job running OK, and when I try to run a second one, I got the following.
How can I know the capacity of the ML node? when I add some jobs, how can I know the remaining capacity?
"changed": false,
"connection": "Close",
"content": "{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"status_exception\",\"reason\":\"Could not open job because no ML nodes with sufficient capacity were found\"}],\"type\":\"status_exception\",\"reason\":\"Could not open job because no ML nodes with sufficient capacity were found\",\"caused_by\":{\"type\":\"illegal_state_exception\",\"reason\":\"Could not open job because no suitable nodes were found, allocation explanation [Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [instance-0000000042], because this node isn't a ml node.|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [tiebreaker-0000000044], because this node isn't a ml node.|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [{instance-0000000045}{ml.machine_memory=1073741824}{ml.max_open_jobs=20}{ml.enabled=true}], because this node has insufficient available memory. Available memory for ML [440234147], memory required by existing jobs [108105012], estimated memory required for this job [435159040]|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [instance-0000000043], because this node isn't a ml node.]\"}},\"status\":429}",
"content_length": "1073",
"content_type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
"date": "Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:22:19 GMT",
"json": {
"error": {
"caused_by": {
"reason": "Could not open job because no suitable nodes were found, allocation explanation [Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [instance-0000000042], because this node isn't a ml node.|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [tiebreaker-0000000044], because this node isn't a ml node.|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [{instance-0000000045}{ml.machine_memory=1073741824}{ml.max_open_jobs=20}{ml.enabled=true}], because this node has insufficient available memory. Available memory for ML [440234147], memory required by existing jobs [108105012], estimated memory required for this job [435159040]|Not opening job [job-rundown_time_aps5000_4] on node [instance-0000000043], because this node isn't a ml node.]",
"type": "illegal_state_exception"
"reason": "Could not open job because no ML nodes with sufficient capacity were found",
"root_cause": [{
"reason": "Could not open job because no ML nodes with sufficient capacity were found",
"type": "status_exception"
"type": "status_exception"
"status": 429
"msg": "Status code was 429 and not [201, 200]: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests",
"redirected": false,
"server": "fp/4xxxxx",
"status": 429,
"url": "https://xxxxx.eu-west-1.aws.found.io:9243/_xpack/ml/anomaly_detectors/job-rundown_time_aps5000_4/_open",
"x_found_handling_cluster": "xxxxx",
"x_found_handling_instance": "instance-0000000042",
"x_found_handling_server": "xxxxx"