Elastic cloud enterprise

I am new to Elastic Cloud enterprise,

I have succesfully installed elastic cloud enterprise on centos machines, but when i restarted the machine, i am trying to access the UI and i am unable to access it, hence i went a head with installation and got the below error.

Is there a way to come out of this issues after the reboot

Verifying Prerequisites --
Checking runner container does not exist... FAILED
Found runner container frc-runners-runner with ID ceea178915cd200f6e60077824a178bad33121c4ee509dbd77cbb3031f653f8c. This may indicate a preexisting install
Checking host storage root volume path is not root... PASSED
Checking host storage path is accessible... PASSED
Checking host storage path contents matches whitelist... FAILED
The following non-whitelisted files or directories exist within the host storage path:
Remove the files or directories if you are certain they can be deleted safely, or specify a new location with the --host-storage-path parameter, and try again.
Checking Docker version... PASSED
Checking Docker file system... PASSED
Checking Docker storage driver... PASSED

  • The installation with overlay2 can proceed; however, we recommend using overlay
    Checking whether 'setuser' works inside a Docker container... PASSED
    Checking runner ip connectivity... PASSED
    Checking OS IPv4 IP forward setting... PASSED
    Checking OS max map count setting... PASSED
    Checking OS kernel version... PASSED
  • OS kernel version is 3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64 but we recommend 4.4.
    Checking minimum required memory... PASSED
    Checking OS kernel cgroup.memory... PASSED
  • OS setting 'cgroup.memory' should be set to cgroup.memory=nokmem
    Checking OS minimum ephemeral port... PASSED
    Checking OS max open file descriptors per process... PASSED
    Checking OS max open file descriptors system-wide... PASSED
    Checking OS file system and Docker storage driver compatibility... PASSED
    Checking OS file system storage driver permissions... PASSED
Errors have caused Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation to fail
Some of the prerequisites failed: [runner container does not exist, host storage path contents matches whitelist], please fix before continuing

The install failed because you weren't quite thorough enough in cleansing the old install - see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud-enterprise/current/ece-uninstall.html

(Reboot should work fine, so do post here if it fails after a reboot once you've gotten the install up again)

Yes, ok may i ask how to check the status of the elastic cloud or restart the service once the virtual instance is restarted

Could you give more details on what you are after? The docker service should restart all the required ECE services on reboot

The UI will report the status of the platform (it uses an undocumented -but easily reverse-engineerable- legacy API to do this currently, though the documented one is coming soon)

Hey Alex, I sorted out that issue, added symlinks and the services are working post the nodes are restarted.

Could you please help me with the below questions.

In what cases Elastic cloud enterprise is charged to customers, i have installed elastic cloud enterprise in two nodes wondering in what cases we will be charged
where are the zone's in elastic cloud enterprise, how to check the zones
to add more nodes, i am specifying it as coordinator nodes and adding them, could you pls help me with the node roles
How does backup works in elastic cloud enterprise
In what cases is elastic cloud enterprise is choosen eg:- any data size could you please specify, I understand that the use cases may vary just an example could help

Sorry for not replying, was tied up for a few days

In what cases Elastic cloud enterprise is charged to customers, i have installed elastic cloud enterprise in two nodes wondering in what cases we will be charged

The download gives a free trial, after that you need to get licenses -Have questions? Contact Elastic | Elastic

where are the zone's in elastic cloud enterprise, how to check the zones

When you add new hosts you can specify the zones: see --availability-zone elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh install | Elastic Cloud Enterprise Reference [3.6] | Elastic

to add more nodes, i am specifying it as coordinator nodes and adding them, could you pls help me with the node roles

you can install with no roles and then add them from the UI (platform > runner)m see Assign roles to hosts | Elastic Cloud Enterprise Reference [3.6] | Elastic, or more details on how to use roles are: Generate roles tokens | Elastic Cloud Enterprise Reference [2.1] | Elastic

How does backup works in elastic cloud enterprise

There's ES and ECE level backup. For ES backup we use snapshots to either S3, GCP, Azure, or minio (which can store locally or act as a gateway to other store)

For ECE backup a "proper" disaster recovery is in the works. Currently running multi-zone is the main protection. We have worked with customers through support to help people integrate our "alpha" backup and restore into their own environment

In what cases is elastic cloud enterprise is choosen eg:- any data size could you please specify, I understand that the use cases may vary just an example could help

Generally the main benefits of ECE come with:

  • being able to provision and manage elements of the stack via a UI
  • being able to provision and manage multiple deployments

So our -obviously biased!- claim would be that ECE is a great choice for almost any production environment :slight_smile:

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot for your response,

Appreciate it, I am still doing the POC and getting ready, before we purchase license.

I am trying to upload the SSL certificate which i genereated through lets encrypt.
I am getting an error "Certificate chain was invalid [Invalid Entry: expected unencrypted rsa private key]"

then i encrypted using the
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server_new.key
iam getting another error "Certificate chain was invalid [Missing Entry: expected at least server and CA certificates]"

Could you please help here

Did you follow https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud-enterprise/2.1/ece-manage-certificates.html?

This might be of use also: ECE 2.0.1 Unable to upload Letsencrypt TLS certificate

Hola, estoy interesado en probar la solución helk para ciberseguridad. Hay manuales o video tutoriales en español para la instalación y configuración.

@Gezer_Ramiro_Molina Hola, lo siento, toda nuestra documentación y videos están actualmente en inglés. Sin embargo, ofrecemos Soporte en español. También, por favor, crea nuevas preguntas/threads para asegurar que son facilmente visibles por nuestro equipo.


Muchas gracias. tienes información no importa que sea en inglés acerca de la instalación y configuración de helk

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