Hello All,
Pretty new to using Elastic and currently using the Serverless option. I have a field called street number , currently it's stored as a text. It contains values which are both string and text:
[100, 101A, 102A, 103, 105-B, 150,]
My use case is I want to use a range query to get all street numbers between 100 & 110. It should output all values including the string values.
My questions is
- What's the best way to store this data and retrieve it?
Hi @Karthik_Vaidyanathan,
Welcome to the community! Can you store the number element (101) and letter element (A) as a separate field, and then use a range query similar to the below:
GET /_search
"query": {
"range": {
"house_number": {
"gte": 100,
"lte": 110
Depending on how you are putting your data into Elasticsearch you could create a field with the number portion using different techniques such as:
- Pulling the number element using a runtime field.
- If you are using Logstash you could create the element using the grok or dissect plugin.
- Use similar dissect or grok processors via an ingest pipeline
There will probably be a few other ways to create the field depending on how you are ingesting your data.
Let us know if that helps!