Elastic Ingest with multiple grok processors

Happy New Year everyone!

I am trying to configure an ingest pipeline and I want to apply grok to two distinct fields. I couldn't find a way to do this. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to accomplish this.

Thank you!

You can add 2 grok processors (one for each field) in the pipeline.

That was my first try.

I am using version 5.1 and it only takes into account the last grok.

"processors": [
      "grok": {
        "field": "message",
        "patterns": [
        "pattern_definitions": {
          "STATUS": "\\d+",
          "MSG": ".+?"
      "grok": {
          "field": "source",
          "patterns": [".+?%{TIMESTAMP:timestamp}.+"],
          "pattern_definitions" : {
            "TIMESTAMP" : "[0-9]+"}
      "date" : {
        "field" : "timestamp",
        "formats" : ["UNIX_MS"]
      "remove": {
        "field": "timestamp"

Can you check with verbose parameter if only one grok is actually applied?

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/simulate-pipeline-api.html#ingest-verbose-param

My processors:

"processors": [
      "grok": {
        "field": "message",
        "patterns": [
        "pattern_definitions": {
          "STATUS": "\\d+",
          "MSG": ".+?"
      "grok": {
        "field": "source",
        "patterns": [
        "pattern_definitions": {
          "TIMESTAMP": "[0-9]+"
      "date": {
        "field": "timestamp",
        "formats": [

My Doc:

  "docs": [
      "_index": "filebeat-test-2017.01.03",
      "_type": "log",
      "_id": "AVlkvVA78rJBRllM9MQ-",
      "_source": {
        "source": "/opt/shared-nagios/nagios_file_1483453815014.txt",
        "message": "0; SERVICE_A; online | time=1s",
        "@timestamp": "2017-01-03T14:30:15.311Z"
      "fields": {
        "@timestamp": [
      "sort": [

My result:

  "docs": [
      "processor_results": [
          "doc": {
            "_id": "AVlkvVA78rJBRllM9MQ-",
            "_index": "filebeat-test-2017.01.03",
            "_type": "log",
            "_source": {
              "@timestamp": "2017-01-03T14:30:15.311Z",
              "source": "/opt/shared-nagios/nagios_file_1483453815014.txt",
              "message": "0; SERVICE_A; online | time=1s",
              "timestamp": "1483453815014"
            "_ingest": {
              "timestamp": "2017-01-03T18:10:23.455+0000"
          "doc": {
            "_id": "AVlkvVA78rJBRllM9MQ-",
            "_index": "filebeat-test-2017.01.03",
            "_type": "log",
            "_source": {
              "@timestamp": "2017-01-03T14:30:15.014Z",
              "source": "/opt/shared-nagios/nagios_file_1483453815014.txt",
              "message": "0; SERVICE_A; online | time=1s",
              "timestamp": "1483453815014"
            "_ingest": {
              "timestamp": "2017-01-03T18:10:23.455+0000"

I think it should be:


OMG... I am such a noob....

Sorry for that!

Thank you!

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