I have an index which contains the field "http.response.body.content".
I updated the ignore_above values since this field was ignored.
However, it would seem that elasticsearch does not search the content of this field.
Example of field content:
{"meta":{"alerts":[],"warnings":[],"precision":3,"page":{"current":1,"total_pages":1,"total_results":118,"size":1000},"engine":{"name":"swsolidaris","type":"default"},"request_id":"ev5ArBetSzOPLdJ5UsFmjQ"},"results":[{"last_crawled_at":{"raw":"2024-03-20T12:54:59+00:00"},"article_type":{"raw":"avantage"},"advantage_resume":{"raw":"Des ennuis de santé à l’étranger ? Une maladie ou un accident nécessitant une hospitalisation, des soins urgents en milieu hospitalier ou un rapatriement : pensez à notre service d’assistance à l’étranger. Notre Centrale d’Alarme Mutas est accessible 24h/24h pour vous guider en cas de pépin."}
I am searching for the string "maladie" but it seems it's not found.
(while occurences of the same string in other fields are being found and returned)
Could someone explain why this might be the case please ?